Welcome to our “Kill the Jargon” Series! If you made it here, you’re probably wondering what this series is about; maybe you read an article or two and are intrigued by the concept. Either way, thanks for giving us this chance to dive deep into our most beneficial (and favorite, but we may be biased) blogging series on our site.
What is "Kill the Jargon"?
“Kill the Jargon,” or KTJ for short, is exactly how it sounds: we get rid of the business-specific words and explain them in layman’s terms, taking complicated concepts or peculiar words and simplifying them for everyone to understand, eliminating the vocabulary gatekeeping that prevents so many entrepreneurs from successfully implementing coherent, well-thought-out plans into their businesses. On the other side of the coin, there are plenty of business words that have several different interpretations and even more ways to “correctly” execute them in your work. While we won’t tell you how to implement each and every term, at least not in a KTJ article, we will cut through the noise and help you understand the root of the term, allowing you to make informed decisions about business advice moving forward.
How did it start?
KTJ actually started from our own research. While rebranding and creating the strategic business plans to change from BizSoftwareHub to L2Business, Em was researching email marketing and kept coming to a roadblock again and again. Everything was based on email marketing campaigns, but no one explained what exactly a campaign was, how it began, when it ended, and what happened in between campaigns. In an attempt to help, Hunter took the opportunity to break it down into a few steps: 1) a simplified definition, getting really, really basic; 2) an analogy to help put it into context; and 3) a real life example from a business that Em could see for herself.
Then, just like Poseidon claiming Percy as his son, a lightbulb appeared over Hunter’s head. If this structure helped Em understand an idea, then this could help other entrepreneurs understand any topic. Ding, ding, ding! And just as quickly, Hunter coined the name “Kill the Jargon” to frame the new blog post concept. While we added in a few more sections for clarity and understanding, that is the gist of how our series came to be.
Why does it matter?
As an entrepreneur, you face an overwhelming number of ideas, questions, problems, and decisions daily. You’re constantly having to learn and make the best decisions you can right now with the information you have. Unfortunately, that may not be all the information you need for the best results. Making decisions about email automations without understanding the sales funnel that guides it will lead to confusing, mixed messaging that may not guide your customers to the action you want them to take (aka your call-to-action).
To make intentional and effective business moves, you must learn and understand the business world, including terms and phrases, concepts, and frameworks. Our KTJ articles aren’t just a quick dictionary definition, but a thorough yet simplified look into business jargon, complete with real-world examples and the impact of application to your business. The capability for your venture to succeed depends greatly on your ability to learn efficiently and execute effectively the actions and decisions that propel you towards your goals.
What do I get from it?
Let’s start with what you don’t get:
A copy-and-paste confusing dictionary definition that uses the jargon term in its explanation.
A generic summary of the jargon term.
An overly long, complicated explanation for every possible use of the jargon term.
A quick-fix band-aid solution with unsolicited advice on how to do or use the jargon term “correctly” for your individual business.
What you will get:
A genius-level understanding and interpretation of the jargon term based on research of multiple definitions and applications (spanning industries where possible)
An explanation of which industry that term often fits into and how it influences that and other departments’ work.
Real-life case study examples for you to see firsthand how the jargon term applies to businesses across differing sectors.
A dedicated “you” section, where we talk to you, the beginning entrepreneur and growing business owner, explaining why or how implementing this into your business will make a positive impact.
You are at the core of our KTJ series. Our goal is to ensure business vocabulary is no longer a barrier to building the business of your dreams. What something more? Tell us! Want something different? Tell us! This is your series to learn in ways that you can understand and implement easily.
How do I find more articles?
We’re glad you asked! If you’re looking for more articles, it means at least one has been beneficial to you (even if it’s just this post). All current and future KTJ articles will be under a designated spot on the page which you can find on the dedicated KTJ page. To help you identify all KTJ articles quickly, each article will have the same header graphic as this post does with the orange background, white pencil, and the title “Kill the Jargon.” Each post will have its unique KTJ word also in white on the image.
Can I submit jargon ideas?
Please do! This series is made to eliminate the confusion of business terminology for those new to the scene, so anything tripping you up, or you convoluted with a dozen different explanations, feel free to submit them. We will add them to our running list of jargon terms to simplify for y’all. We want to serve you well, and the best way to do that is to hear from you directly about what you need.
What’s next?
KTJ is an ongoing series with no end in sight. As we work with entrepreneurs in every step of the business-building journey spanning every type of industry, there is an infinite amount of jargon terms that need clarifying. Some terms may apply to every sector, while some might be very niche specific. While we continue to expand our KTJ series, find what articles apply to you, submit ideas for concepts tripping you up (because we promise you are not the only one), and share articles that are helpful for you with other entrepreneurs, so the business jargon gatekeeping can be a thing of the past.
We are excited to venture on this journey with you, learning and teaching each other along the way. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to educate you and allowing us to be part of your entrepreneurial journey. We have full confidence that you can, and will, succeed.
About the Author:
Em is the co-founder of L2Business and Director of Communication. With a passion for writing and helping others, "Kill the Jargon" is Em's favorite L2 project. When she's not busy with the business, you can find her yelling at the TV watching her alma mater Texas Tech or any hockey game she can find. Let's connect on Facebook!